The Brain Connection to Chronic Fatigue, Bloating, Food Intolerances and More
Learn how hypersensitivity of the brain’s protection mechanisms can lead to chronic symptoms. https://youtu.be/cxrFeTn6fM4

Healthy Detox Equals Healthy Hormones!
The gut, the liver and all the elimination organs must be at their best for a healthy detox process to occur. If not, signs of estrogen dominance can occur such

The Key to Healthy Aging in Menopause
Researchers are finally paying attention to menopausal women and doing more research around aging, menopause and what actually helps to reverse aging and optimize health. I go into all of

How to Support Your Body on the Pill
Do You Take Birth Control? If you are currently on the Pill, there are extra burdens on your liver, gut and cells to process the hormones in the birth control